Custom ERP for car dealers
Custom ERP for car dealers Client: Autodel Enterprise digitalization Problem:Transparency and loss prevention for a national car dealer. It was difficult for the client to keep track of which vehicles made a profit, which did not, what were the costs that did not make sense or were to big, and what was the performance of […]
Project management platform, complete with teams and tasks
Project management platform, complete with teams and tasks, offering functionalities as the big names in this field Client: Marelvi Enterprise digitalization Big companies with a lot of employees find sometime that it’s cheaper and easier to create a custom platform that integrates with other software they use, than to pay a monthly fee for an […]
Electronic devices service and order management with time tracking per service step
Electronic devices service and order management with time tracking per service step Client: Upvolt Second life batteries We developed for upvolt a service management system for electronic devices that can be used to track the repair workflow from start to finish. Because they need a transition time from the previous system, we integrated features with […]
e-mobility, ride sharing platform
e-mobility, ride sharing platform Client: Reego The need for e-mobility in big cities and the diminution of CO2 emissions, sparked the idea of creating a platform for electric vehicles sharing. We helped them develop a MVP, providing features as renting a vehicle without human intervention and the need of a key. The clients main activity […]